What is Incentive Travel?

20 feb 2018

The incentive travel is a motivational tool with extraordinary values. It is considered one of the best vehicles of corporate strategies.The Incentive travel helps employees and partners through all the organizational structure to increase productivity and reach common goals.This strategy is based on the well-researched analysis of:– Motivating the target (SalesForce, peers, goals, etc.)– Orient sales on desired periods or products.– Loyalty.

For a successful incentive travel these are the essential parameters to consider:

  • Feasibility and economic, fiscal and economic study.

  • Analysis of the brief and the profile of the participants.

  • Detection of explosion consistent with the target audience.

  • Strategic choice of specifically designed contents where creativity and quality make the difference.

  • Active participation of guests through team building activities and personalized animations.

  • Customizing the communication material before, during and after the trip.

  • Logistics management with dedicated professionals throughout the journey phase.

Basically, the program is designed to recognize earners for their achievements and motivate them to keep going and always do their best to appreciate and reward their efforts and skills.


Incentive travel is organized by companies to “stimulate” and incentivize employees. It is a matter of operating in such a way as to provide all workers with the necessary information to work in the best way, stimulating them to improve. An incentive is a company activity towards its employees and collaborators. There is the incentive to sell when incentives lead sellers to sell more and better. At the same time, there is sales promotion when they offer price reductions and special offers to induce customers to buy certain products. More than half of the expected premiums are made up of incentive travel.


The trip allows you to: informally discuss problems of work, make workers aware of each other. In addition, the opportunity allows workers to get away from everyday life and remember a pleasant experience lived together for a long time.The occasions for stays of this type are meetings, congresses, conventions or special events. Today there are incentive agencies able to provide companies with a complete service. Companies only need to expose the goals they aim to achieve. At the same time, the operators prepare the incentive plan and organize the entire incentive package.For many, the convenient and economical solution for spending holidays is to rent houses and apartments. The offer of holiday apartments for rent is varied. In fact, rented holiday homes allow you to be free from the strict schedules of meals provided in hotels, choose to cook and eat what you want even abroad, and ensure significant savings especially for those who enjoy a holiday for more than 10 days.


In virtually every industry, incentive travel programs are often used as a motivational tool with internal or external sales teams. Still, any organization or workgroup can use them effectively when there is a productivity gap or unrealized work goals.During the assessment phase, management specifies gaps between desired organizational goals and company performance and where motivation is an underlying cause. This assessment ensures the target audience has the skills and tools needed to close the desired gap. If these exist, then an incentive travel program may be a strong option.Incentive travel is a motivational tool of great importance, essential for the growth and consolidation of a company. In fact, it is not a simple journey, but an experience organized and realized in detail to achieve different business goals.Depending on the strategies implemented by the company, the incentive travel can be oriented towards team building, improving communication, developing soft skills, increasing personal motivation and brand awareness, or acting as an effective marketing tool, to direct sales on desired periods or products and to stimulate customer loyalty.

To achieve these results it is necessary

To study the project in detail, from the destination to the period, from the participants to the individual activities: each experience, indoor and outdoor, must be created and customized according to the company's needs. Seems easy? Not at all. Making a successful incentive trip is certainly not a foregone undertaking, on the contrary, it must be supported by an in-depth analysis that allows us to overcome various critical issues.Just think about the preliminary investigations on the feasibility and economic impact, on the profile of the participants, on the various possible destinations with pros and cons. And again, to personalize communication before, during and after the journey and the strategic choice of contents, focusing on creative and original sharing experiences, which leave at the same time moments of freedom. Given the design and organizational complexity of the incentive travel, it is essential to rely on a specialized agency with a long and solid experience in the sector.The company needs to offer different types of products, taking care of every aspect of the trip, from tourism to marketing, and creating tailor-made promotions, suitable for successfully achieving the goalss proposed by the client.


If you are planning this type of trip, you must know that it is a company that is anything but obvious and simple. In fact, to be successful, incentive trips must be supported by a careful study and by an organization that leaves nothing to chance. Above all in the case of the company’s in-house prize holidays, the award criteria must be clear from the start. The trip can be accessed if a fixed yield is achieved within the established time.The choice of destination is also very important and must be carefully thought out. In general, for the success of an incentive trip (from the economic point of view but also the satisfaction of those who leave), absolutely must not be missing: A study on the feasibility and its impact in economic terms: it is essential to see if the game is worth the candle, if the return in economic terms (better employee performance, increased customer purchases) exceeds the costs incurred, or in any case creates losses expendable for other internal goals. An analysis of the project, the profile of the participants and consequently the choice of destinations suited to the target audience. In fact, during the trips, aggregating activities (games, sports) to cement the group can be included.A detailed marketing and advertising activity, particularly when the incentive travel is aimed at customers.


Incentive travel for the complexity that a good organization of these trips can have, often companies rely on travel agencies, or at least to people who have knowledge both in tourism and in business and marketing, to create promotions suitable for their own purposes. There are specific figures and bodies able to help you plan an incentive trip, among which certainly play a leading role:

  • Incentive travel agencies (or incentive houses): These agencies take care of all aspects of these incentive trips, from conception to marketing. Just present them your goals, and they will prepare the whole package.

  • Communication agencies: specialized in the study of communication strategies and image management.

  • The destination management companies, or DMC, agencies that organize logistic services on the territory both for normal tourism and for the so-called “business tourism”. This is essentially the “on-site” contact for the holiday.

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